If you are seeking a loan that offers significant purchasing power, we recommend considering a Conventional loan. This adaptable loan option provides flexibility in terms of the required down payment and enables you to purchase primary residences, vacation homes, and investment properties. Allow us to demonstrate the multitude of possibilities available to you through Conventional loans.


Ask about our Conventional Quick Close.

  • W2 Wage Earner Express, WorkNumber Verification
  • Speedy process: 10 to 15 days from application to funding.
  • Seller-paid closing costs to ease your financial burden.
  • Same-day appraisals available, with a waiver of appraisal for qualified buyers.
  • 1% down conventional option for loan amounts up to $350,000, with no mortgage insurance.


Minimum FICO Score.

  • 620 minimum FICO or 640 with mortgage insurance
  • Contact your mortgage insurance company for details


Down Payment.

  • 1% Down for individuals who qualify for Home One, Loan Amount must be under 350,000 thousand
  • 3-20% minimum for Loans above 350,000k



  • Primary residence, second home, and investment properties


Other Highlights.

  • No mortgage insurance with 20% down or Lender Paid Premium
  • 100% gift funds allowed
  • Up to 9% seller contribution
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